Fuel Monitoring

Oryo Fuel-management systems are designed to effectively measure and manage the use of fuel within any industries. They are typically used for fleets of vehicles Generators, Tank farms and aircraft, as well as any machinery that requires fuel to operate.

Fuel Consumption



Reduces costs and improves efficiency, giving you a competitive edge when tendering for contracts

Offers fleet overview, including trend analysis

Overview consumption reports daily/weekly/monthly/annually

Fuel security with tamper-proof solutions

Various measurement technology options to meet all budgets and requirements

Level Monitoring

Oryo uses various technology depending on the site achitecture in measuring the level of fuel profduct in the tank. several level sevel sensors include the capacitive level sensor, magnotestrictive level proobes and the radar sensor. each hardware specifically selected to perfectly fit existing clients achietecture.

capacitiveSensor capacitiveSensor capacitiveSensor

Temperature Compensation

Hydrocarbons responds to increase or decrease in temperature. This is called thermal expansivity of product or thermal contraction, hence causing an increase or decrease in volum. The system automatically generate the appropriate level irrespective of the current temperature.


Flow Measurement

Oryo uses various technology depending on the site achitecture in measuring the level of fuel profduct in the tank. several level sevel sensors include the capacitive level sensor, magnotestrictive level proobes and the radar sensor. each hardware specifically selected to perfectly fit existing clients achietecture.

capacitiveSensor capacitiveSensor capacitiveSensor